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11:00 a.m.

Sunday, January 4, 2004


Welcome by Moderator Peter Landecker


Opening Reading: # 418 "Come to the Circle of Love and Justice"


Chalice Lighting #453 "May the Light We Now Kindle"


Joys and Concerns




Hymn #378 "Let Those Who Live in Every Land"


Middle Reading: #588 "To Lose the Fetters of Injustice"


Program: UUSC in Guatemala. Lenore Snodey and Peter Landecker were recently part of a small delegation sponsored by UUSC (the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee) that traveled to Guatemala. The purpose of the delegation, led by UUSC President Dr. Charlie Clements, was to officially monitor national elections as well as meet with UUSC human rights and improvement partners in Guatemala. They will share experiences, stories, and pictures as well as present a video they made in Guatemala City and Rabinal, the site of massacres (200,000 died in the entire country) in the early 1980's. Check out a trip summary at, click on


Closing Reading: #508 "Save Us from Weak Resignation to Violence"


Extinguishing the Chalice: #456


Closing Circle and Words:

May we always be dedicated to the proposition, that behind all our differences, beneath all our diversity, there is a unity that makes us one and binds us forever together, in spite of time and death and the space between the stars. We pause in silent witness to that unity.



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